Monday, 29 July 2013

what are the Different procedures / models are available to develop a software

 1) Waterfall model


3)  V – MODEL / V & V MODEL (Verification and Validation Model )
5) Derived model or Customized model


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What is Software Development Life Cycle ?

SDLC: - Software Development Life Cycle

It is a procedure to develop the software.
It is a process of creating or altering systems and the models and methodologies that people use to develop these systems.

Any SDLC should result in a high quality system that meets or exceeds customer expectations, reaches completion within time and cost estimates, works effectively and efficiently and is inexpensive to maintain and cost effective to enhance.

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Saturday, 27 July 2013

Maturity Levels

Maturity Levels

a) SEI
'Software Engineering Institute' at Carnegie-Mellon University; initiated by the U.S. Defense Department to help improve software development processes.
b) CMM
 'Capability Maturity Model', now called the CMMI ('Capability Maturity Model Integration'), developed by the SEI. It's a model of 5 levels of process 'maturity' that determine effectiveness in delivering quality software. It is geared to large organizations such as large U.S. Defense Department contractors. However, many of the QA processes involved are appropriate to any organization, and if reasonably applied can be helpful. Organizations can receive CMMI ratings by undergoing assessments by qualified auditors.
       Level 1 - characterized by chaos, periodic panics, and heroic efforts required by individuals to successfully complete projects.  Few if any processes in place; successes may not be repeatable.
       Level 2 - software project tracking, requirements management, realistic planning, and configuration management processes are in place; successful practices can be repeated.
       Level 3 - standard software development and maintenance processes are integrated throughout an organization; a Software Engineering Process Group is is in place to oversee. Software processes, and training programs are used to                ensure understanding and compliance.
       Level 4 - metrics are used to track productivity, processes, and products.  Project performance is predictable, and quality is consistently high.      
       Level 5 - the focus is on continuous process improvement. The impact of new processes and technologies can be predicted and effectively implemented when required.

c) ISO
 'International Organization for Standardization' - The ISO 9001:2008 standard (which provides some clarifications of the previous standard 9001:2000) concerns quality systems that are assessed by outside auditors, and it applies to many kinds of production and manufacturing organizations, not just software. It covers documentation, design, development, production, testing, installation, servicing, and other processes. The full set of standards consists of: (a) Q9001-2008 - Quality Management Systems: Requirements; (b) Q9000-2000 - Quality Management Systems: Fundamentals and Vocabulary; (c)Q9004-2000 - Quality Management Systems: Guidelines for Performance Improvements. To be ISO 9001 certified, a third-party auditor assesses an organization, and certification is typically good for about 3 years, after which a complete reassessment is required. Note that ISO certification does not necessarily indicate quality products - it indicates only that documented processes are followed.
ISO 9126 is a standard for the evaluation of software quality and defines six high level quality characteristics that can be used in software evaluation. It includes functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability.
 'Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' - among other things, creates standards such as 'IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation' (IEEE/ANSI Standard 829), 'IEEE Standard of Software Unit Testing (IEEE/ANSI Standard 1008), 'IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans' (IEEE/ANSI Standard 730), and others.


 'American National Standards Institute', the primary industrial standards body in the U.S.; publishes some software-related standards in conjunction with the IEEE and ASQ (American Society for Quality).

Other software development/IT management process assessment methods besides CMMI and ISO 9000 include SPICE, Trillium, TickIT, Bootstrap, ITIL, MOF, and CobiT. 

when to stop testing

This can be difficult to determine. Many modern software applications are so complex and run in such an interdependent environment, that complete testing can never be done. Common factors in deciding when to stop are...
* Deadlines, e.g. release deadlines, testing deadlines;
* Test cases completed with certain percentage passed;
* Test budget has been depleted;
* Coverage of code, functionality, or requirements reaches a specified point;
* Bug rate falls below a certain level; or
* Beta or alpha testing period ends

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Defect metrics

Software testing defect metrics is used to measure the quantification of a software related to its development resources and/or development process. It is usually responsible for quantifying factors like schedule, work effort, product size, project status and quality performance. Such metrics is used to estimate that how much of more future work is needed to improve the software quality before delivering it to the end-user.
This process of testing defect metrics is used to analyze the major causes of defects and in which phase most of the defects are introduced.

Defect Density:
The defect density is measured by adding up the number of defects reported by the Software Quality Assurance to the number of defects that are reported by the peer and dividing it by the actual size (which can be in either KlOC, SLOC or the function points to measure the size of the software product).

Test effectiveness:
There are several approaches towards analyzing test effectiveness, one of them is
 t/(t+Uat) and in this formula "t" is the total number of defects reported during the testing, whereas Uat means the total number of defects that are reported during the user acceptance testing.

Defect Removal Efficiency:
It's a sleek process that includes the total number of defects removed divided by the total number of defects inject to multiply by 100 during the various stages of SDLC.

Effort Variance:
Effort Variance can be calculated as
{(Actual Efforts-Estimated Efforts) / Estimated Efforts} *100.

Schedule Variance:
Just like above formula it is similarly calculated as.

{(Actual Duration - Estimated Duration)/Estimated Duration} *100

Schedule Slippage:
When a task has been delayed from its original baseline schedule then the amount of time that it has taken is defined as schedule slippage. Its calculation is as simple as.
(Actual End date - Estimated End date) / (Planned End Date – Planned Start Date) * 100

Rework Effort Ratio:
(Actual review effort spent in that particular phase / Total actual efforts spent in that phase) * 100

Requirements Stability Index:
{1 - (Total number of changes /number of initial requirements)}

Requirements Creep:
(Total Number of requirements added/Number of initial requirements) * 100

Weighted Defect Density:
(5*Count of fatal defects)+(3*Count of Major defects)+(1*Count of minor defects)
Where are the values 5,3,1 corresponds to the severities of the detect?

And at the end we’d like to tell you that purpose of metrics isn't just to measure the software performance but also to understand the progress of the application to the organizational goal. Below we will discuss some parameters of determining metrics of various software packages:
• Duration
• Complexity
• Technology Constraints
• Previous Experience in Same Technology
• Business Domain
• Clarity of the scope of the project
          And one of the interesting and beneficial approaches is using the GQM (Goal.
-Question-Metric) technique. This technique consists of three stages: A Goal, a set of questions, and a set of corresponding metrics and therefore it's a hierarchical structure that specifies the purpose of measure, the object that has to be measured, issues that need to be measured, and viewpoint from which the measures are taken.

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Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

 Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

            Software testing life cycle identifies what test activities to carry out and when (what is the best time) to accomplish the test activities. Even though testing differs in various organizations, there is a testing life cycle.

1.    Test Planning
2.    Test development
3.    Test execution
4.    Result Analysis
5.    Bug Tracking
6.    Reporting

Software testing has its own life cycle that intersects with every stage of the SDLC. The basic requirements in software testing life cycle is to control/deal with software testing – Manual, Automated and Performance.  


Test plan is a systematic approach to testing a system such as a machine or software. The plan typically contains a detailed understanding of what the eventual workflow will be.
Test Plan Document generally includes the following:

i. Introduction
                   Purpose of the document is specified over here.
          -References Document:
The list of all the documents that are .(SRS and Project Plan) 
ii.   Coverage of Testing
            -inscope (Features to be tested):
                   The list of all the features that are to be tested based on the Implicit and                     explicit requirements from the customer will be mentioned here.-       -outscope (Features not to be tested)         The list of all the features that can be skipped from testing phase are mentioned here, Generally Out of scope features such as incomplete modules are listed here. If severity is low and time constraints are high then all the low risk features such as GUI or database style sheets are skipped. Also the features that are to be incorporated in future are kept out of testing temporarily.
iii. Test Strategy
         -Levels of testing: It’s a project level term which describes testing procedures in an organization. All the levels such as Unit, module, Integration, system and UAT (User Acceptance test) are mentioned here which is to be performed.
-Types of testing: All the various types of testing such as compatibility, regression and etc are mentioned here with module divisions
-Test design techniques: The List of All the techniques that are followed and maintained in that company will be listed out here in this section. Some of the most used techniques are Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) and Equivalence Class Participation (ECP).
-Configuration Management: All the documents that are generated during the testing process needs to be updated simultaneously to keep the testers and developers aware of the proceedings. Also the naming conventions and declaring new version numbers for the software builds based on the amount of change is done by the SCM (Software Configuration Management team) and the details will be listed here.
 -Test Metrics: The list of all the tasks that need to be measured and maintained will be present here.  Different metrics for tracing back the exact requirement and test case depends on the availability of metrics at the right time.
-Terminology: Testing specific jargons for the project that will be used internally in the company will be mentioned here in this section.
 -Automation Plan: The list of all the features or modules that are planned for automation testing will be mentioned here. The application only undergoes automation testing after being declared STABLE by the manual testing team.
 -List of Automated tools: The list of Automated tools, like QTP, Load runner, Win runner; etc which will be used in this project will be mentioned along with license details.
 iv. Base Criteria:
  -Acceptance Criteria: The standards or metrics that need to be achieved by the testing team before declaring the product fit will be listed here. So before handing over to the customer, the time at which the testing needs to be stopped is mentioned here in this section.
 -Suspension Criteria: In high risk projects, or huge projects that consists several modules, It is necessary to minimize the repetitive process to be efficient. The situations when the testing needs to be suspended or temporarily halted will be listed here in this section
v. Test deliverables:
         The list of all the documents that are to be prepared during the testing process will be mentioned here in this section. All the copies of verification documents after each level are submitted to the customer along with the user manual and product at the end of the project.
Documents include:
1. Test Plan Document
2. Test Scenarios Document
3. Test case Document
4. RTM
5. Defect Reporting Document
6. Final Summary Report
vi.Test environment:
          Environmental components and combinations that will be simulated for testing the product will be made sure that it is very close to the actual environment when the end user works on the product. All the details will be mentioned here in this section that is to be used for testing the application.
  vii. Resource planning:
          Roles to be performed or in other words who has to do what will be mentioned clearly here.
  viii. Scheduling:
          The starting dates and ending dates for each and every task and module will be listed here in this section.
  ix. Staffing and Training:
          How much staff is to be recruited and what kind of training is to be provided to accomplish this project successfully will be described here in a detailed fashion.

   x. Risks and Contingencies:
            The list of all the potential risks and the corresponding solution plans will be listed here
 Risks: Example, Resources may leave the organization, license and update deadlines, customer may change the requirements in terms of testing or maintenance in middle of the project etc
           Contingencies:  Maintaining bench strength, Rechecking initial stages of the whole process, Importance and priority settings for features to be tested and features to be skipped under time constraints to be listed and shared clearly.

  xi. Assumptions:
  Some features or testing methods have to be done mandatorily even though, the customer does not mention it in his requirements document. These assumptions are listed out here in this section.

  xii. Approval Information
           As this document is published and circulated, the relevant and required authorities will approve the plan and will update this section with necessary details like date and department etc.


This is the most important stage of the testing life cycle, in this phase of the testing; the testers will develop the test scenarios and test cases based against the requirements of the customer.  

2.1. Test Scenario

A set of test cases that ensure that the business process flows are tested from end to end. They may be independent tests or a series of tests that follow each other, each dependent on the output of the previous one.
The following is the 

2.2. Test Case

Test Development simply involves writing Test cases from test scenarios. Every Company follows a particular format for test cases called test case template
Test cases are broadly divided into two types.
·         G.U.I Test Cases.
·         Functional test cases.
Functional test cases are further divided into two types.
·         Positive Test Cases.
·         Negative Test Cases.

Test case template typically consists of
Test Case ID: Test Case number
          Test case created on: The date test case created on
          Category:  category deals with type of the testing done like functional, GUI,   negative testing etc
Test Scenario: A set of test cases that ensure that the business process flows are tested from end to end. They may be independent tests or a series of tests that follow each other, each dependent on the output of the previous one.
Test Data: If you are writing test case then you need input data for any kind of test. Tester may provide this input data at the time of executing the test cases. The test data may be any kind of input to application, it may be in any format like xml test data, system test data, SQL test data or stress tested.
Generally testers call it as test bed. In test bed all software and hardware     requirements are set using the predefined data values. If you don’t have the systematic approach for building test data while writing and executing test cases then there are chances of missing some important test cases
          Execution steps: The steps to be followed to execute the test case
Expected Result:  When the test case is executed what has happened dictates the expected result
Actual Result: What is actually expected when the test case is executed
Status: The pass or fail criteria
Comments:  Any comments can be added.

2.3. Requirement Traceability Matrix

 The Test cases ensure that all the functionalities are being covered in testing but these should be mapped with business requirements to ensure that all the requirements are met. For this we need to prepare RTM, to verify 100% Coverage of Requirements.
Requirement Traceability matrix typically consists of
            Requirement ID:  Maps to the requirement document
          Requirement Description:  Brief Description of the requirement
          Reference Document:  The document from where the requirement is fetched like BRD,SRS etc
          Module Name:  The module in the project where the requirement is under consideration
Test Case ID:  The Test case Id from the test case template

Requirement Changes: If any changes are made in the requirements that has to be notified.



In this phase test engineers will execute the test cases and log the defects. During the test execution phase the test engineer will do the following.
a)    He will perform the action that is described in the description column.
b)    He will observe the actual behavior of the application.
c)    He will document the observed value under the actual value column.



After the successful execution of test cases, the tester will compare the expected values with the actual values and declare the result as pass or fail.  


It consists of entire list of defects you have come across while testing your application. We have a defects meeting where QA, Developers and PM attend and discuss the defects. If they think it’s a valid defect then QA lead assigns it to development lead who in turn will assign it to the developer to fix the defect.

5.1 Difference between Bug, Defect and Error

Error:  Any mismatches while compiling the code is called Error. A human action which produces an incorrect result. In simple words error in programming or coding is an error
Defect:  A flow in a component or system that can cause the component or system to fail to perform its required function. The gaps in functionality or any mismatches in functionality are called a defect.
Bug: The defects accepted by developers are bugs.
Fault: Fault is similar to a defect.
Failure: Deviation of the component or system from its expected delivery, service or result.
Issue: It’s same as defect.
Suggestion: The points not covered in BRD but which can improve quality can be suggested by testers to the developers

5.2. Reporting Of bugs

a) Classical Bug Reporting Process:

Drawbacks:   1.Time consuming
2. Redundancy.
3. No Security.

b) Common Repository Oriented Bug Reporting Process:

Drawbacks:    1.Time consuming.
2. Redundancy.

c) Bug Tracking Tool Oriented Bug Reporting Process:

Very Important stage to update the DPD (Defect profile document) and the let the developers know of the defects.

5.3. DPD (Defect Profile Document)

Defect ID: Serial no. of the defect
Defect Description:  A brief description of the defect.
Status:  Status of the defect
          Status - New/Open/Assign/Deferred/Rejected/Re Opened/Closed.
a)    New: When the bug is posted for the first time, it states will be new this means the bug is not yet approved.
b)    Open: After a tester has posted a bug, the lead of the tester will approves the bug is genuine and he changes the state as “OPEN”.
c)    Assign: Once the lead changes the state as “OPEN” he assigns the bug to the corresponding developer or developer team.
d)    Deferred: The bug changed to deferred state means the bug is expected to fix in next release due to various factors.
e)    Rejected: If the developer feels the bug is not genuine, he rejects the bug. The state of the bug changed to “REJECTED”.
f)    Reopened: If the bug still exists even after the bug is fixed by the developer, the tester changes the statues to “RE-OPENED”.
g)    Closed: Once the bug is fixed, it is tested by tester. If the tester feels that the bug no longer exists in the software, he changes the status of the bug to “CLOSED”.
Severity: Impact of Bug on the application. The different Severities are Show stopper, Critical, Major, Minor, Cosmetic. It will be decided by the tester.
a)    Show stopper: Stops development and/or testing work.
b)    Critical: Crashes, loss of data, severe memory leak.
c)     Major: Major loss of function.
d)     Minor: Minor loss of function, or other problem where easy work around is present.
e)     Cosmetic: Cosmetic problem like misspelled words or misaligned text, Background color of the specific field.
Priority: Priority of the Bug as per the client's requirements.
               The different   priorities are High, Medium and Low.

a)    High: Bug must be fixed immediately; the product cannot ship with this bug.
b)    Medium: These are important problems that should be fixed as soon as possible. The problem should be fixed within the time available.
     c) Low: It is not important that these bugs be addressed.
Fix these bugs after all other bugs have been fixed

Test case ID:  Test case Number that is written in the test case Document.

Assigned To:  Person (developer) to whom the bug is assigned to fix.
Assigned By:  Testing personnel by whom the bug is found or the Testing person who   assigns the bug to developer.
Date of testing:  The date on which testing is done.
Remarks:  Any remarks can be provided.

Once all the bugs are fixed and complete regression testing is done then the final summary report is made.

5.2. Final summary report

                           It is the last phase of STLC process. All test cases execution should be completed and there should not be any high level severity and high level priority bugs. Once the UAT has done with successfully then final test summary report is generated and then sign off the project.
·         Client Acceptance

·         Replication of product delivery records submission client sign-off.

Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

 Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

            Software testing life cycle identifies what test activities to carry out and when (what is the best time) to accomplish the test activities. Even though testing differs in various organizations, there is a testing life cycle.

1.    Test Planning
2.    Test development
3.    Test execution
4.    Result Analysis
5.    Bug Tracking
6.    Reporting

Software testing has its own life cycle that intersects with every stage of the SDLC. The basic requirements in software testing life cycle is to control/deal with software testing – Manual, Automated and Performance.  


Test plan is a systematic approach to testing a system such as a machine or software. The plan typically contains a detailed understanding of what the eventual workflow will be.
Test Plan Document generally includes the following:

i. Introduction
                   Purpose of the document is specified over here.
          -References Document:
The list of all the documents that are .(SRS and Project Plan) 
ii.   Coverage of Testing
            -inscope (Features to be tested):
                   The list of all the features that are to be tested based on the Implicit and                     explicit requirements from the customer will be mentioned here.-       -outscope (Features not to be tested)
         The list of all the features that can be skipped from testing phase are mentioned here, Generally Out of scope features such as incomplete modules are listed here. If severity is low and time constraints are high then all the low risk features such as GUI or database style sheets are skipped. Also the features that are to be incorporated in future are kept out of testing temporarily.
iii. Test Strategy
         -Levels of testing: It’s a project level term which describes testing procedures in an organization. All the levels such as Unit, module, Integration, system and UAT (User Acceptance test) are mentioned here which is to be performed.
-Types of testing: All the various types of testing such as compatibility, regression and etc are mentioned here with module divisions
-Test design techniques: The List of All the techniques that are followed and maintained in that company will be listed out here in this section. Some of the most used techniques are Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) and Equivalence Class Participation (ECP).
-Configuration Management: All the documents that are generated during the testing process needs to be updated simultaneously to keep the testers and developers aware of the proceedings. Also the naming conventions and declaring new version numbers for the software builds based on the amount of change is done by the SCM (Software Configuration Management team) and the details will be listed here.
 -Test Metrics: The list of all the tasks that need to be measured and maintained will be present here.  Different metrics for tracing back the exact requirement and test case depends on the availability of metrics at the right time.
-Terminology: Testing specific jargons for the project that will be used internally in the company will be mentioned here in this section.
 -Automation Plan: The list of all the features or modules that are planned for automation testing will be mentioned here. The application only undergoes automation testing after being declared STABLE by the manual testing team.
 -List of Automated tools: The list of Automated tools, like QTP, Load runner, Win runner; etc which will be used in this project will be mentioned along with license details.
 iv. Base Criteria:
  -Acceptance Criteria: The standards or metrics that need to be achieved by the testing team before declaring the product fit will be listed here. So before handing over to the customer, the time at which the testing needs to be stopped is mentioned here in this section.
 -Suspension Criteria: In high risk projects, or huge projects that consists several modules, It is necessary to minimize the repetitive process to be efficient. The situations when the testing needs to be suspended or temporarily halted will be listed here in this section
v. Test deliverables:
         The list of all the documents that are to be prepared during the testing process will be mentioned here in this section. All the copies of verification documents after each level are submitted to the customer along with the user manual and product at the end of the project.
Documents include:
1. Test Plan Document
2. Test Scenarios Document
3. Test case Document
4. RTM
5. Defect Reporting Document
6. Final Summary Report
vi.Test environment:
          Environmental components and combinations that will be simulated for testing the product will be made sure that it is very close to the actual environment when the end user works on the product. All the details will be mentioned here in this section that is to be used for testing the application.
  vii. Resource planning:
          Roles to be performed or in other words who has to do what will be mentioned clearly here.
  viii. Scheduling:
          The starting dates and ending dates for each and every task and module will be listed here in this section.
  ix. Staffing and Training:
          How much staff is to be recruited and what kind of training is to be provided to accomplish this project successfully will be described here in a detailed fashion.

   x. Risks and Contingencies:
            The list of all the potential risks and the corresponding solution plans will be listed here
 Risks: Example, Resources may leave the organization, license and update deadlines, customer may change the requirements in terms of testing or maintenance in middle of the project etc
           Contingencies:  Maintaining bench strength, Rechecking initial stages of the whole process, Importance and priority settings for features to be tested and features to be skipped under time constraints to be listed and shared clearly.

  xi. Assumptions:
  Some features or testing methods have to be done mandatorily even though, the customer does not mention it in his requirements document. These assumptions are listed out here in this section.

  xii. Approval Information
           As this document is published and circulated, the relevant and required authorities will approve the plan and will update this section with necessary details like date and department etc.


This is the most important stage of the testing life cycle, in this phase of the testing; the testers will develop the test scenarios and test cases based against the requirements of the customer.  

2.1. Test Scenario

A set of test cases that ensure that the business process flows are tested from end to end. They may be independent tests or a series of tests that follow each other, each dependent on the output of the previous one.
The following is the 

2.2. Test Case

Test Development simply involves writing Test cases from test scenarios. Every Company follows a particular format for test cases called test case template
Test cases are broadly divided into two types.
·         G.U.I Test Cases.
·         Functional test cases.
Functional test cases are further divided into two types.
·         Positive Test Cases.
·         Negative Test Cases.

Test case template typically consists of
Test Case ID: Test Case number
          Test case created on: The date test case created on
          Category:  category deals with type of the testing done like functional, GUI,   negative testing etc
Test Scenario: A set of test cases that ensure that the business process flows are tested from end to end. They may be independent tests or a series of tests that follow each other, each dependent on the output of the previous one.
Test Data: If you are writing test case then you need input data for any kind of test. Tester may provide this input data at the time of executing the test cases. The test data may be any kind of input to application, it may be in any format like xml test data, system test data, SQL test data or stress tested.
Generally testers call it as test bed. In test bed all software and hardware     requirements are set using the predefined data values. If you don’t have the systematic approach for building test data while writing and executing test cases then there are chances of missing some important test cases
          Execution steps: The steps to be followed to execute the test case
Expected Result:  When the test case is executed what has happened dictates the expected result
Actual Result: What is actually expected when the test case is executed
Status: The pass or fail criteria
Comments:  Any comments can be added.

2.3. Requirement Traceability Matrix

 The Test cases ensure that all the functionalities are being covered in testing but these should be mapped with business requirements to ensure that all the requirements are met. For this we need to prepare RTM, to verify 100% Coverage of Requirements.
Requirement Traceability matrix typically consists of
            Requirement ID:  Maps to the requirement document
          Requirement Description:  Brief Description of the requirement
          Reference Document:  The document from where the requirement is fetched like BRD,SRS etc
          Module Name:  The module in the project where the requirement is under consideration
Test Case ID:  The Test case Id from the test case template

Requirement Changes: If any changes are made in the requirements that has to be notified.



In this phase test engineers will execute the test cases and log the defects. During the test execution phase the test engineer will do the following.
a)    He will perform the action that is described in the description column.
b)    He will observe the actual behavior of the application.
c)    He will document the observed value under the actual value column.



After the successful execution of test cases, the tester will compare the expected values with the actual values and declare the result as pass or fail.  


It consists of entire list of defects you have come across while testing your application. We have a defects meeting where QA, Developers and PM attend and discuss the defects. If they think it’s a valid defect then QA lead assigns it to development lead who in turn will assign it to the developer to fix the defect.

5.1 Difference between Bug, Defect and Error

Error:  Any mismatches while compiling the code is called Error. A human action which produces an incorrect result. In simple words error in programming or coding is an error
Defect:  A flow in a component or system that can cause the component or system to fail to perform its required function. The gaps in functionality or any mismatches in functionality are called a defect.
Bug: The defects accepted by developers are bugs.
Fault: Fault is similar to a defect.
Failure: Deviation of the component or system from its expected delivery, service or result.
Issue: It’s same as defect.
Suggestion: The points not covered in BRD but which can improve quality can be suggested by testers to the developers

5.2. Reporting Of bugs

a) Classical Bug Reporting Process:

Drawbacks:   1.Time consuming
2. Redundancy.
3. No Security.

b) Common Repository Oriented Bug Reporting Process:

Drawbacks:    1.Time consuming.
2. Redundancy.

c) Bug Tracking Tool Oriented Bug Reporting Process:

Very Important stage to update the DPD (Defect profile document) and the let the developers know of the defects.

5.3. DPD (Defect Profile Document)

Defect ID: Serial no. of the defect
Defect Description:  A brief description of the defect.
Status:  Status of the defect
          Status - New/Open/Assign/Deferred/Rejected/Re Opened/Closed.
a)    New: When the bug is posted for the first time, it states will be new this means the bug is not yet approved.
b)    Open: After a tester has posted a bug, the lead of the tester will approves the bug is genuine and he changes the state as “OPEN”.
c)    Assign: Once the lead changes the state as “OPEN” he assigns the bug to the corresponding developer or developer team.
d)    Deferred: The bug changed to deferred state means the bug is expected to fix in next release due to various factors.
e)    Rejected: If the developer feels the bug is not genuine, he rejects the bug. The state of the bug changed to “REJECTED”.
f)    Reopened: If the bug still exists even after the bug is fixed by the developer, the tester changes the statues to “RE-OPENED”.
g)    Closed: Once the bug is fixed, it is tested by tester. If the tester feels that the bug no longer exists in the software, he changes the status of the bug to “CLOSED”.
Severity: Impact of Bug on the application. The different Severities are Show stopper, Critical, Major, Minor, Cosmetic. It will be decided by the tester.
a)    Show stopper: Stops development and/or testing work.
b)    Critical: Crashes, loss of data, severe memory leak.
c)     Major: Major loss of function.
d)     Minor: Minor loss of function, or other problem where easy work around is present.
e)     Cosmetic: Cosmetic problem like misspelled words or misaligned text, Background color of the specific field.
Priority: Priority of the Bug as per the client's requirements.
               The different   priorities are High, Medium and Low.

a)    High: Bug must be fixed immediately; the product cannot ship with this bug.
b)    Medium: These are important problems that should be fixed as soon as possible. The problem should be fixed within the time available.
     c) Low: It is not important that these bugs be addressed.
Fix these bugs after all other bugs have been fixed

Test case ID:  Test case Number that is written in the test case Document.

Assigned To:  Person (developer) to whom the bug is assigned to fix.
Assigned By:  Testing personnel by whom the bug is found or the Testing person who   assigns the bug to developer.
Date of testing:  The date on which testing is done.
Remarks:  Any remarks can be provided.

Once all the bugs are fixed and complete regression testing is done then the final summary report is made.

5.2. Final summary report

                           It is the last phase of STLC process. All test cases execution should be completed and there should not be any high level severity and high level priority bugs. Once the UAT has done with successfully then final test summary report is generated and then sign off the project.
·         Client Acceptance

·         Replication of product delivery records submission client sign-off.